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Recommendations for the article Molecular latent space simulators

Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/ Conference Citation count Highest h-index
visibility_off Accelerated Simulations of Molecular Systems through Learning of their Effective Dynamics Pantelis R. Vlachas, J. Zavadlav, M. Praprotnik, P. Koumoutsakos 2021-02-17 ArXiv 3 77
visibility_off Accelerated Simulations of Molecular Systems through Learning of Effective Dynamics. Pantelis R. Vlachas, J. Zavadlav, M. Praprotnik, P. Koumoutsakos 2021-12-10 Journal of chemical theory and computation 28 77
visibility_off Simple synthetic molecular dynamics for efficient trajectory generation John D. Russo, D. Zuckerman 2022-04-09 ArXiv 1 38
visibility_off Learning dynamical models from stochastic trajectories Pierre Ronceray 2024-06-04 ArXiv 0 0
visibility_off Deep Generative Markov State Models Hao Wu, Andreas Mardt, Luca Pasquali, F. Noé 2018-05-19 ArXiv 53 61
visibility_off VAMPnets for deep learning of molecular kinetics Andreas Mardt, Luca Pasquali, Hao Wu, F. Noé 2017-10-16 Nature Communications 463 61
visibility_off Boltzmann Generators - Sampling Equilibrium States of Many-Body Systems with Deep Learning F. Noé, Hao Wu 2018-12-04 ArXiv 24 61
visibility_off Markov field models: Scaling molecular kinetics approaches to large molecular machines. Tim Hempel, Simon Olsson, Frank No'e 2022-06-23 Current opinion in structural biology 6 9
visibility_off Molecular dynamics without molecules: searching the conformational space of proteins with generative neural networks Gregory Schwing, L. Palese, Ariel Fern'andez, L. Schwiebert, D. Gatti 2022-06-09 ArXiv 1 33
Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/Conference Citation count Highest h-index