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Recommendations for the article GRAND: Graph Neural Diffusion

Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/ Conference Citation count Highest h-index
visibility_off TIDE: Time Derivative Diffusion for Deep Learning on Graphs Maximilian Krahn, M. Behmanesh, M. Ovsjanikov 2022-12-05 ArXiv 7 43
visibility_off On the Robustness of Graph Neural Diffusion to Topology Perturbations Yang Song, Qiyu Kang, Sijie Wang, Zhao Kai, Wee Peng Tay 2022-09-16 ArXiv 23 30
visibility_off A Fractional Graph Laplacian Approach to Oversmoothing Sohir Maskey, Raffaele Paolino, Aras Bacho, Gitta Kutyniok 2023-05-22 ArXiv 16 52
visibility_off Implicit Graph Neural Diffusion Networks: Convergence, Generalization, and Over-Smoothing Guoji Fu, Mohammed Haroon Dupty, Yanfei Dong, Lee Wee Sun 2023-08-07 ArXiv 0 6
Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/Conference Citation count Highest h-index