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Recommendations for the article Multistep Neural Networks for Data-driven Discovery of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/ Conference Citation count Highest h-index
visibility_off Data-driven sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems using linear multistep methods Hao-guang Chen 2023-01-23 Calcolo 1 7
visibility_off The Discovery of Dynamics via Linear Multistep Methods and Deep Learning: Error Estimation Q. Du, Yiqi Gu, Haizhao Yang, Chao Zhou 2021-03-21 ArXiv 18 68
visibility_off KAN-ODEs: Kolmogorov-Arnold Network Ordinary Differential Equations for Learning Dynamical Systems and Hidden Physics Benjamin C. Koenig, Suyong Kim, Sili Deng 2024-07-05 ArXiv 0 2
visibility_off Hierarchical deep learning of multiscale differential equation time-steppers Yuying Liu, N. Kutz, S. Brunton 2020-08-22 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences 60 63
visibility_off Data driven nonlinear dynamical systems identification using multi-step CLDNN Qi Teng, L. Zhang 2019-08-19 AIP Advances 20 37
visibility_off AI-Lorenz: A physics-data-driven framework for black-box and gray-box identification of chaotic systems with symbolic regression Mario De Florio, I. Kevrekidis, G. Karniadakis 2023-12-21 ArXiv 1 127
visibility_off Detecting chaos in lineage-trees: A deep learning approach H. Rappeport, Irit Levin Reisman, Naftali Tishby, N. Balaban 2021-06-08 ArXiv 2 56
visibility_off Modeling of dynamical systems through deep learning P. Rajendra, V. Brahmajirao 2020-11-22 Biophysical Reviews 31 4
visibility_off Physics guided neural networks for modelling of non-linear dynamics Haakon Robinson, Suraj Pawar, A. Rasheed, O. San 2022-05-13 Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society 27 34
visibility_off Enhancing Computational Efficiency in Multiscale Systems Using Deep Learning of Coordinates and Flow Maps Asif Hamid, Danish Rafiq, S. A. Nahvi, M. A. Bazaz 2024-04-28 ArXiv 0 11
Abstract Title Authors Publication Date Journal/Conference Citation count Highest h-index